And the winner is...

The White Darkness : a novel by Geraldine McCaughrean

Yesterday, the Young Adult Services Association of the American Library Association gave the Michael L. Printz Award award to The White Darkness by McCaughrean. According to the Library Association, this award is giving each year a book that "exemplifies literary excellence in young adult literature".

It is named for a Topeka, Kansas school librarian who was a long-time active member of the Young Adult Library Services Association.What do YOU think?

Have you read The White Darkness? We'd love to know! It is the story of Fourteen-year-old Symone, who is completely obsessed with exploring the Antarctic. Her father died there, and since the his death, she has read every book and watched every movie she can find about it. She is particularly enamored with Capt. Lawrence "Titus" Oates, one of the explorers lost in the doomed Scott expedition. Titus is her companion and confidante, an imaginary friend who fills in for her grieving family and distant friends.

Let us know what you think!

Take the poll! Haven't read it? Reserve it today at the Library!